Resources for Pharmacy Operations
PharmacyHUB features resources to improve the operations of your pharmacy and better serve your patients. Here are just a few programs that are included in the PharmacyHUB solution suite:

DailyMed is a one-stop-shop that contains more than 92,000 drug listings including US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved package inserts.

MedlinePlus is a great consumer health information resource to use for patient counseling, containing information on prescription and over-the-counter medications written in lay language.

The FDA website contains a plethora of information that will help keep you up-to-date. You can also register to receive updates on new medication approvals and drug recalls.

The CDC is the go-to resource for vaccine information. The monthly published Vitalsigns report provides pertinent information on a variety of health topics including HIV and injection drug use, prescription drug abuse, and food safety.

The DEA website provides up-to-date information on controlled substances that will help you stay current with federal laws and regulations. The Pharmacist’s Manual is also available through the DEA website and outlines the Federal Controlled Substances Act and how it affects the pharmacy practice setting.
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